Following are the nominations and results for the Sir Julius Vogel
Awards for 2004. The nominees are for the 2003 calendar year.
Best Novel
“Dark Shinto” - Spirit Shinto Trilogy Book III
Author: DaleElvy
Published: by Harper Collins - March 2003
- Available from all good booksellers |
“Roivan” - Book One of the A'nzarian Chronicle'
Author: Glynne MacLean
Published by Penguin (New Zealand) - August 2003
ISBN: 014331811X
-Available from all good booksellers |
Best Short Story
- by Kevin G Maclean
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #8 |
Plea for Help” - by Kevin G
Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6 |
Alchemist” - by Peter Friend
Spaceways Inflight Magazine #8 |
Award Nominees
Best Fanzine
Phoenixine |
Editor: Laurie Fleming |
Time Space Visualiser |
Editor: Paul Scoones |
Unbound Book Issue 1
(RPG Cthulhu 1920s publication) |
Special Award Nominees
New Talent
Glynne Maclean |
“Roivan” - Book One of the A'nzarian Chronicle' |
Services to Fandom
Laurie Fleming |
The retiring editor of
Phoenixine, for producing more than 100 issues of a first class
magazine. He has defined the standard to which all fan journals
should aspire. |
Phoenix Science Fiction Society |
The group is an umbrella organisation for
bringing fans together and encouraging and actively promoting
science fiction as an interest. Phoenix has done a remarkable job
over the years and its contribution to keeping science fiction alive
and well in New Zealand deserves to be acknowledged. |
Special Award
Peter Jackson et al |
The board of SFFANZ has
decided that we should present a Special Award to Peter Jackson as
the primary representative of his colleagues for the amazing
achievement of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. |

Photo by Grant Preston
At the presentation ceremony: (L to R) Brian Howell (presenter), Kevin
Maclean (Short Story winner), Maree Sole (presenter), Laurie Fleming
(Fanzine and Services to Fandom winner), Norman Cates (presenter)
Categories to hold over
There were a number of categories which only had one nominee. The board
of SFFANZ has decided to hold these over until next year if the nominees
Best Fan Art - Peter Adamson - (TSV)
Best Fan Production - Short film 'Door to Door' - By Peter
Best Fan Writing - Alan Robson