Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand

Flesh And Blood Flesh And Blood:
House Of Commarre Book 2
by Kristen Painter

Supplied for review by Hachette New Zealand

Reviewed By: Jan Butterworth

The Covenant has been broken and the veil between humans and supernaturals is gone. More and more humans discover the existence of the vampires, fae and othernaturals, and the threat of the inevitable war between them looms.

After the murder of her mother, Chrysabelle escaped with the Ring of Sorrows and hides it. Tatiana is hunting her down and means to possess the ring. Dominic is mourning the loss of Maris. Doc is heartbroken. Fi has died and is determined to bring her back. Malkom is unswayable in his desire to protect Chrysabelle but he has a problem – she’s not actually talking to him. He also has competition for Chrysabelle’s attention.

Creek is from an ancient sect of super human hunters, the Kulai Mata. His goals are;

  • return the Ring of Sorrows to his order
  • protect Chrysabelle
  • bed her

Not necessarily in that order. Chrysabelle has to choose between Mal and Creek – so chooses both. Ha!

Little bits of information are scattered throughout, giving a deeper background and showing where the future books will go. There are many twists and turns in the plot, and the ending – all I’ll say is I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series. This series just keeps getting better and better.

Another fabulous book cover! The art is by Nekro again and enough to make you buy the book. You must have read Blood Rights first though, as it contains important backstory. The books are being released back to back and I hear the proposed trilogy has been expanded to five books. Yay – more Mal and Chrys!

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